Loops for Beginners

This is a shallow tutorial about loops for programming beginners (as my wife). It should get you kick-started but please don’t stop here. There’s a lot more to explore.I chose JavaScript since you can run it right here in your browser’s dev tools (CTRL+SHIFT+i in most browsers, then choose console). There might be some things… Continue reading Loops for Beginners

Agile is like …

… stochastic gradient descend translated to project management ;) … a Bayesian approach to navigating through the cone of uncertainty. … an abonnement style of building a thing. … checking if the cookies are well-baked every couple minutes (or if they, in fact, are still cookies). … switching between exploration and exploitation iteratively. … divide… Continue reading Agile is like …

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Crypto DNA

Maybe we should sign our DNA / mRNA to defend us against virus attacks. But we then have to protect our nuclei against malicious root certificates or corrupted keys. Maybe we will also have to encrypt our code, so that viruses and other attackers will have a hard time. But how do we swap a… Continue reading Crypto DNA

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deno js

Took me some time to realize: node, no-de, de-no, deno:insertFacepalmHere

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How to fix broken Ubuntu 20.04 upgrade in WSL 1 / libc6 & sleep

I recently sudo do-release-upgrade -d my ubuntu 18 LTS inside my WSL 1 to the new Focal Fossa and ended up with a broken system. libc6:amd64 (2.31-0ubuntu9) wird eingerichtet … Checking for services that may need to be restarted… Checking init scripts… Nothing to restart. sleep: cannot read realtime clock: Invalid argument dpkg: Fehler beim… Continue reading How to fix broken Ubuntu 20.04 upgrade in WSL 1 / libc6 & sleep

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Der Choke – die Starterklappe

Ja, das Ding heißt Choke. Nicht Schock, nicht Joke, nicht schok, auch nicht tschok und schon gar nicht Schoko. Im Ernst Leute, fragt ihr eucht nicht warum es Choke heißt? Wie kommt es, dass ich in 998 von 1000 Beiträgen irgendein Fantasiewort lese? Choke kommt aus dem Englischen und bedeutet drosseln und würgen. Denn genau… Continue reading Der Choke – die Starterklappe